where the mel guy
reigns supreme

About Me


Hello! My name is Mealaud Mokhtarzad but I usually go by Mel. I’m an incoming pure mathematics graduate student at UNC Chapel Hill! My interests include and are usually limited to: math, rock skipping, clouds, and writing. If you need to contact me, mealaud at unc dot edu is usually a good way to reach me.

Cool People

  • Hunter Liu – Hunter is a lovely, epic friend I met in our graduate complex analysis class. He was wearing cat ears when we first met which weirded me out a bit, but we ended up talking a lot and I figured out he’s one of the coolest people I’ve ever met.

  • Kelanu Ranganath – Kelanu is so cool! We met at our physics lab internship during the summer of 2021 and we’ve been great friends since then. I love this guy a lot.

  • Kyle Chui – I met the back of Kyle’s head during the summer going into my high school senior year when we took multivariable together at a local community college. We ended up taking another course together the coming fall where I met the front of his head and found out he was a cool guy. He’s still really cool. He’s also rich and famous, so that’s a plus. Check out his Neovim plugin!

  • Aaron Machuca - When I was applying to grad school, and very afraid of would be its results, Aaron told me “You must choose if the pressure turns you into diamonds or dust.” I think about this comment most days, and each time I am reminded of one of the brightest, strongest, and sharpest diamonds I’ve ever come to know. He is one of my most treasured rocks. But please, oh my god, please tell him to shut up and stop saying “I’m jus’ bein’ ‘onest” after his most braindead comments.

  • Logan Hyslop - Logan is mega cool and mega cracked. We met his freshman year (my sorta junior year). He actually does math (good stuff at that). B)

  • Andrea Bourque - Andrea is a big ol’ math nerd and is very cool, but never talk to them after they’ve had mac’n’cheese. shudders

  • Liz - I met Liz first as Hunter’s girlfriend, but Liz eventually became a part of my world too. She is wonderful, kind, and a former League of Legends addict…